By a Futerra Intern (and Doug Stewart):
Optimism isn’t just a belief that things can get better without knowing how. True optimists are the people who are actually searching for and creating solutions. Unless you have thought about and tried absolutely everything, it is very hard to prove that a better future doesn’t exist. So the main reason to be optimistic, then, is quite simple. If you really take it to heart it improves your odds of being right.
Since we started Green Sisters, or even as I was plotting my Ultimately Eco cleaning agency, I have been thinking about wrong and right solution to climate change - is there such thing as right or wrong answer to a global crisis. this idea flashes back a memory of when my little cousin(age 1, I must have been 21) got his first febrile fit. He had high fever and his mother had noticed some convulsions, we were just beginning to read what to do if he gets a fit, we haven't even read the first 2 sentences and he got it, his body twisted in the typical bow position, he turned pale and was convulsing. I took him and did what I knew, put my fingers in his mouth and pressed his tongue, I even slaped his face. It was so scary, and I did all the worng things, because I didn't have 30 more seconds to finish the home doctor instructions...
There are 2 points I want to make:
1. we should get educated, what is happening with the cliamte right now, what's the worse polluter, the worst contributor. I hope that when knowledge causes a reaction, that the first step is to know...then the solution or the desire to resolve will come naturally.
2. eventhough I didn't know what to do, I attempted to deal with the situation, the best way I could possibly do in this particular moment.
So to finish at an optimistic note:
My cousin is a lovely happy 11 year old. He is healthy and doing well. I took him skiing for a weekend. It was nice, he got better at the pizza/frenchfries and he came down some owesome slopes, covered in gorgeous thick white powder and I think we have a champion here!
Here he is at first 2008/09 school day, with his mother Elena Ilieva, Dramaturge of the Blagoevgrad Drama Theater.
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